How to get Premium

Sign into the website, open your profile (click on top right or use:, and click on Get Premium.

The introduction video walks you through it as well:

You can also buy it directly on the whop marketplace at - just connect your Whop account in your Alphabot profile.

Payment Methods

We support crypto payments and all major credit cards via Whop, Coinbase Commerce, and Stripe.

Free for Ape List NFT holders

We love our apes and wouldn't be where we are today without them. That's why all Ape List NFT holders will get Premium 100% for FREE! There's a separate checkout page on Whop for holders, where you'll have to connect your wallet containing the NFT: When you're done, make sure to connect your Whop account in your Alphabot profile.

Beware of scams, here are Ape List's official links: - - -

Last updated